
How Digitization Can Shape the Future of Test Laboratories

Even today we still have many examples and situations where labs rely on their manual and paper-based processes. However, in recent times, modern lab managers are becoming more aware of the benefits that digitization can bring to their operations.  

It is more evident than ever that with the support of new and smart technologies, previous efficiency- and productivity-related challenges are beginning to dissipate as manual processes are starting to be replaced with automated and integrated applications, helping to pave the way toward a fully digitalized lab.

What are the benefits of data digitization?

Firstly, digitization improves data management as it provides a centralized place for storing, accessing, and analyzing data. This allows for efficient data sharing and collaboration among lab operators. 

Additionally, digitization enhances laboratory efficiencies by automating manual tasks and improving workflows. Moreover, digitization enables real-time monitoring and analysis, providing valuable data insights and enabling proactive decision-making, which leads to better quality control, optimized resource utilization, and reduced costs. 

Furthermore, digitization enhances compliance and traceability by maintaining comprehensive records and audit trails.


Our client had an idea and approached us with the challenge: they wanted a customer-centric solution that makes manual data management in the lab obsolete and gives lab technicians and quality managers more time to focus on what really matters: working efficiently with the data. They needed the following:  

  • Processing and organizing industrial data in one centralized place, a platform where lab operators can easily analyze, combine and compare different tests and measurements.
  • Project management of testing various materials 
  • The ability to custom data search and create custom reports
  • And laboratory management

What technologies did we use to make this a reality?

Our team worked with ReactJs, Redux, and Axios as front-end technologies used NestJS, NodeJS, REST API, MongoDB as NoSQL as back-end technologies, and lastly, for ETL, they used Python, AWS Technologies such as S3, EC2, and CloudFront, SQS, SES, Load Balancer, Lambdas, and Cloud Watch.


Following a close collaboration with our client, we delivered a solution that intelligently links test equipment and measurement data and improves the workflow in your laboratory with fast integration, reliable project management, and outstanding interpretation. 

The new software lets material testing labs facilitate collaboration, get more data insights, establish consistent workflows, and enhance lab efficiency. 

The new data insights feature gives them the option to create a custom table using the test results, modify the same using various statistical operations, chart the data from the custom tables, and use the final customization in the Word report.

Zlatko Pazdrijan

Jun 01, 2023



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