
From Idea to MVP: PropTech Solution for Real-estate Problem in Germany

MietMatcher is created and funded by three serial entrepreneurs and visionaries who recognize all the challenges and opportunities in the German rental market and try to provide an innovative solution for the issue.

They approached Intertec with the idea of solving one of the most demanding issues in the property domain in Germany – fast and easy apartment renting without the agent as the middleman in the process.


The housing issue in Germany is becoming the most pressing social challenge, especially in urban centers. Many empty properties can’t be accessed or visited because of their attractiveness for rental agents. Some of them are either far from the current location of the agents or have low commissions and the list goes on.

Many companies that rent properties also depend on the rental agents and their availability. To help MietMatcher, Intertec focused on finding a solution to digitalize and simplify the entire process of scheduling meetings and visiting the properties by the potential renters.

Approach and solution

From_Idea_to_MVP_Prop_Tech_Solution_for_Real_estate_Problem_in_Germany_2.webp opted for building a mietMatcher app which excludes agent involvement in the entire process. In this way for a certain commission, the rental company can act as an agent for the current tenant, while the current tenant would be expected to provide a few details about the property he/she wants to rent and available time slots for visits.

Intertec delivered the MVP for MietMatcher in 6 steps:

  • Gathering Product requirements by using User story mapping
  • Creating User flow diagrams, confirmed with the Client
  • Designing nonfunctional Demo in Sketch and presenting in MarvelApp
  • Fixed-Price / Fixed-Time Estimation for MVP Development
  • Development phase with a weekly update for the client
  • Delivery of the Product and Final Testing

Step 1: User story mapping

Our journey begins with a 1-day workshop where we use the methodology called User Story Mapping to map our client’s ideas.


In this workshop, we define all users and their activities necessary for the MVP. This is an important phase since it brings us closer to understanding how the end-users think and how they will use the product.

Furthermore, it also helps us to split the deliverables into phases in order to build sequential development, testing, and delivery of the MVP project.

Step 2: User Flow definition and state diagram

After we learn about all the activities that users want to have in the Product, the next step is to define the User Flows.


User flows are important for 2 reasons:

  • Representation of Logical sequence of User flow
  • Alignment with the Client on the logic for each of the User types in the system

The MietMatcher team found the User Flow Diagrams very useful since they proved that we are completely aligned with their idea flow and with all the possible details and edge cases that could happen during the MVP development process.

After User Flow Diagrams, we also define a State Diagram where we take the Data Subject of this project – Property and divide the Property Data into multiple steps according to the User activities.


The Step Diagram helps us define each state and action that are triggered by the state change. In-state machines type of thinking is important for the Product Team and the Client as they need to understand where and how the communication with the users and the back office people will occur.

Step 3: Non-functional demo with Sketch and Marvel

Since we know what the user wants, we proceed with the visible presentation.


Our UI/UX team creates clickable but nonfunctional DEMO with Sketch and Marvel with enough details, which can be tested by our Client and presented to their potential investors.

Step 4: Fixed-price / fixed-time estimation

Once we know exactly what our client wants to build and present their idea via a Nonfunctional DEMO or Mockup, we provide a final estimation on a fixed-price/fixed-time (FP-FT) model. This FP-FT model builds full trust and reduces the risk for our clients during MVP development.


The project estimation is done by calculating the number of man/days or man/hours and is supported by the Gantt Chart, where each Client can see the priority of the modules and features as well as their delivery timeline.

Step 5: Development phase with a weekly update for the client

We already prepared the technical architecture and product specification as part of Steps 1-5. These steps facilitate our Product Team’s task to better organize the sprints and to move completely into the Agile Scrum process regardless of the fixed-price and fixed-time business model.

As we near the Delivery state, we keep the Client informed with weekly updates presented via an outlined Gantt Chart.


Step 6: Delivery of the product and final testing

After the final phase of development is completed, the Client is granted access to the final product with complete handover documentation.


In this way, the Client can take the development in-house or continue developing the next phases with our team.


Building MVP is a transparent multi-step process, which enables the Client to get:

  • Winning Stakeholder/Investor Buy-In
  • Testing Business Concepts
  • Verifying Market Demand
  • Testing UX and Usability 
  • Cost-Efficiency

Deciding whether you should develop MVP for your product? Contact us and our technology consultant will help you to make the right decision!

Dimitar Siljanovski

Mar 22, 2019



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